Re: PostQuestionsHere Can anyone help me jailbreak my iPhone 5.0.1 please. Thank you (ps I'm cheap)
Re: PostQuestionsHere Hey this is zachghost and I just broke my phone and got it switched. I have my old phones UDID but sadly they said that my phone is deactivated but I have it linked to the computer. All I want to know if I am able to do it through the comp or I should email the devs.
Re: PostQuestionsHere krieger-, you have been reported to the developers to be under watch. Making multiple accounts on one iDevice is illegal to do in KaW. I asked them to make sure that you are carefully watched so you don't create multiple accounts.
Re: PostQuestionsHere You'll probably need to email Devs because you need a password from old account to link to PC from iPhone. Correct me if I'm wrong
Re: PostQuestionsHere He means jailbreak stupid like be able to do cool things with it not be a UDID. Faker dumbass
Re: PostQuestionsHere Jailbreaking isn't against ToU but there are certain things that u can do with a jail broken iPhone that are
Re: PostQuestionsHere Jailbreaking an iPhone allows the user to create fake UDIDs so the user can have multiple accounts.
Re: PostQuestionsHere You can break ToU with a jailbroken phone so just to make sure I have told the devs
Re: PostQuestionsHere [ U ] This is how you underline... [ /U ] and if you do that you can underline but take out the spaces I put in