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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Do the daily eb legend to get free-to-open chests, which may drop furn. Ebs can drop royal chests, which cost nobs but have a better chance of dropping furn. Or, trade for furn from other players (though you'll typically need something to trade, like charms)
  2. When you have a right side piece that’s lvl 13 and it gives 3%; what is it giving 3% to?
  3. It’s a bonus based on your stats from your buildings. Works the same way equipment with percent bonus (like abyssal blade at 10%) as well as the percent bonuses from buying the permanent items from the Oracle and such.
    Thrawn likes this.
  4. Dont forget the bonus to bfa:)
  5. Is the feedback link to ATA disabled? Got an invalid session prompt? Thx
  6. Need to be Vollied, volley me please!
  7. Do quests still drop nobs?
  8. We have zoma drop hoarding up but could we have events related to zoma compass?
    Thrawn likes this.
  9. Wish to have more EBs with controlling phases for successful hits. That’s will wake kaw addicts up 🤣
  10. I haven't properly played in about 5-6 years, what happened? what do I do to even begin getting back into this game lmao

    pls dm
  11. Has anyone actually ever been banned? There’s so many small accounts and accounts that have millions of lost battles from being farmed by a bunch of tiny alts. Very curious about it
  12. Absolutely people have been banned. The problem is banned accounts look a lot like the accounts of someone that just went inactive.
  13. Hey, what spy buildings give plunder and what ones reduce plunder? I built some OR buildings and my plunder dropped on hits, should I just tear them all down until I can afford to build rhe full OR set or just not build them until practically max build?
  14. OR has an odd building range from about lv5-9 that reduce plunder no matter what type of building. Just keep upgrading them. It’ll go up again soon enough.
    DaddyOwnsYou and Thrawn like this.
  15. I just returned after an extended layoff and I’m seeing so many accounts with <100k wins that are huge. How is this possible and am I doing something wrong?
  16. The xtal use limit was removed a few years ago, we get a lot of xtals "free" via legend events, and this game is now 12+ years old and quite a few of the large accounts are relatively old.

    As for size, just new lands. Keep buying up on lands and use plates. It's still a bit of a grind for f2p, but not awfully once you get to pallumen (last set of lands right now) since selling those buildings nets you terrific amounts of gold to use.
  17. What does inferno and aqua do? I keep getting it from boxes.
  18. Once you have your castle at level 3, the Mage unlocks through the marketplace. The Mage uses aqua and inferno to enchant (upgrade) equipment.
  19. How much do i have to wait to get any speakers for free? I am very tiny because i can't get people to volley me but it'sbeen over a couple of days and i cant have people volley me :( i cant participate in any ebs and cant grow its frustrating
  20. Not sure exactly when you get speakers, but volley done ✅
    Thrawn likes this.