Hmm, this sounds like in issue with either apple or google play, whichever you are using. Im not sure how much help you will be able to get from us, but i would try contacting the support of the app store you are using.
How much cs is allies needed to get on the ally lb, like top 200, around how much in allies have the lb player have?
ZTA train is by far the most profitable method of growth. The plunder alone isnt really worth it until your about 60-80m spy atk/def stats at the least. You will however get a ton of event items for your circles if you train/b2b quick zta which is worth it regardless of plunder made.
How can I upgrade the new ring to tier 5 in my phone. It doesn't appear when I open mage in the marketplace. I can only see 6 rings and I have 10.
I just recently came back to the game, what building/land should i focus on to get the fastest cs/gold rate build?
Spy buildings. Dont upgrade volaries past level 2 until youve unlocked your abyss, and I wouldnt even upgrade your hoarfrost buildings past level 2, ever. The stats are garbage for the cost atleast as far as spy buildings go
This isnt really the place for this, but I dont strip players 1/3 my size just because osw. And I dont intentionally farm them when their double cruxed in a zta clan either. Some osw clans methods are just distasteful all im saying. And sure its osw but I only get farmed/stripped by one player out of his entire alliance, while the rest I assume all hit goth/lotl and leave the "osw" to a few cannon fodder clans
see you, if osw if you in range you been hit lol, if cannot take it just cf. or just ask you clan mates attack him you for? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Thanks for the advise, i have the 4th land on the right bottom corner unlocked, and a few from the right top corner. So i should focus on the bottom right right? And spy buildings only?
If your on iOS, the lands go like this: Top left is highlands bottom left is your hoarfrost, top right is your abyss and bottom right is your osmon rai. Most people would tell you to completely finish abyss before building on your Osmon rai. Get atleast half a dozen or so abyssal eyes maxed to tier 10 in abyss. Then since you already have some osmon unlocked you can build prizmai ashtaraks there. Dont upgrade those past level 7 or 8. Since osmon rai is hella expensive Id use plunder from EBs to upgrade you abyssal lands, and use the silver from events to upgrade any osmon rai you have unlocked already. Before I finished building my abyss lands I had 4-5 level 7-8 prizmai's and that helped my plunder a tad making upgrading abyss a little easier. You can however simply ignore osmon rai and just build abyss the stat gain for cost is relatively the same as your osmon rai. Its not a big deal. Also, fyi I highly reccomend checking out Chocolates lands and buildings guide in the guide section. If you have any questions as far as spy builds go feel free to PM me
Im on android so i can't link it, but there is a fairly recently made one in the guides section. I believe its titled something along the lines of "EE War Guide" It gives info on types of wars, rewards, and common phrases used.