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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Yes. The mage is an ass and likes depleating your aqua and inferno.
    At least the new event equipment doesn't reset to 0 like the old equipment does.
  2. Yea, the mage kinda sucks.

    Most people stop trying after a few failed attempts, then try again later.
  3. Will mass bumping threads to get one idiots thread off the top of active threads get me a forum ban moonface
  4. Yes, most likely.
  5. Hey, so I'm wondering if striking the final blow on an EB has a special plunder boost? I recentl struck a final blow and got like a 20 billion completion bonus rather than a customary 3-7 billion.
  6. I have never seen anything of the sort. Perhaps you hit items or skimmed for longer?
  7. Sometimes I get more plunder bonus than I expected, and its often because I forget that I had an additional blood rains or event prolific going. Also if you didnt know using items on EBs (ones that have item phases) greatly increases plunder.

    But also occasionally I just randomly seem to get more plunder reward than I expected. But yea be sure to check your active spells for any effects you may have forgotten about that increase plunder, or maybe even a battlecry you didnt notice.
  8. Is the % bonus from equipment and banner static or depends on troops bar
  9. Can someone give me a ballpark of how much using items increases plunder? When EBs first came out, I remember it being minimal...
  10. Well if you use them when you attack it is minimal. But if you hit an item phase it can be very profitable.

  11. The number it tells you doesn't change with the amount of troops, however, for some reason i feel like they are not static. If someone could confirm that would be wonderful.
  12. Whisper is stalking me, how can i get him to unstalk me? Got him blocked but he have alts and can read wc, im getting scared, he's giving me heavy inc(3steals) (sarcasm implemented)

  13. Well, unfortunately the devs wont be able to do much to help you.

    If he is making real life threats, such as threatening to find and kill you, then the devs will take action. If that is the case, use the new support tool to alert the devs.

    If that is not the case, then my best advice would be to block him on all his alts, and just ignore him. If he hits, maybe hit back, or dont and he might get bored and stop.
  14. If I have an acount connected/linked to ata, its okay to disconnect it from all mobile devices right? I will still be able to sign in to it via PC?

  15. Yes, any account linked with ata/facebook can be accessed from PC, regardless of the account being currently being on a device.
  16. On average how long does support take to answer
  17. Depends on the question, time of day, day of the week and in general just how busy support is. Usually takes around 24-48 hours at most but can take longer if your question is passed to someone higher.
  18. Could anyone help me with building advice?
  19. Kenpachi-the-strength-man usually offers help to people regarding builds