You can, just takes some work. If you hit Revenge of the Warbeasts, or most other ebs at the end of their series, you'll collect the attack and spy banners, which you can change under your equipment.
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My routine in kaw right now: Use all troops and spies on eb. Wait for refresh. Hit eb again. Rinse repeat. Get silver bars from event. Spend on upgrading builds and getting land. My question. Is there anything else to do to progress? Feeling like I'm missing something.
Have you tried EE wars? worth doing to get yourself edge which will give you a plunder bonus also pvp events at the weekend. worth looking in wc for any pvp clans you can join where good paying targets can be shared with other pvp'ers the eb rotation looks good for your size might be worth checking with haunts though if your total payout is better just using troops because of your build - in which case have fun and use spies on battlelist
Re: Post Questions Herehow to use icon of agony ?? You can only open icons with an altar of brand when zta is active.