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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Why have I randomly got nobility points. I had one this morning and then another one just hours later? Why am I getting them?
  2. Have you been doing quests? If I remember correctly, Nobility points have a 1% drop chance per successful quest.
  3. Yes doodles I realised that today after I started doing the quests because i was bored of ebs. Thanks!
  4. Non drop rate is around .85% I believe, and crystal rate is like .20%

    So, good luck and have fun! It's s good way to earn free stuff if you try hard enough. I've heard people doing 2-3 unloads on quests a day as getting around 8-10 nobs a week. Not terrible. Especially with ZTA pieces on weekends being 1 nob.
  5. Where are my rewards? :lol:
  6. Patience, young one.
  7. How does one grow potatoes in this game? My soldiers are famished and need their nutrients.
  8. Patience. The events will soon reward potatoes.

  9. Lol you think I hit ebs m80?
  10. Yes, you obviously had to hit EBs. :)
  11. Yup. 70 event items.
  12. The fact you spent time to photoshop a 7 into that is really amazing.
  13. ^he gets me
  14. What is the equipment box preview? It says I've collected 0 (under "details") even in lists that I have pieces of.
  15. Can someone explain to me what zta and cs or circles are???
  16. ZTA is a special promo eb. Circles are used to open the eb.

    Cs is combined stats, or your combined stat total, i.e,

    Attack: 4
    Defense: 4
    Spy attack: 4
    Spy defense: 4

    CS = 16

    Just add all your stats together and that's your cs.
  17. When I look at my own profile and stats, I see a bunch of green numbers. I know that that's where I find my CS... But why is there so many other numbers? It just makes it confusing for people to find out what their CS is?
  18. Wuht. R u high rn wtf
  19. The other numbers tell you about other influencing factors on your actually strength. For example, equipment and allies can provide strength too, although they are not part of your cs. For your cs you only want to add up the bonus to allies sections.
  20. Is there a Kaw calculator available for Android users? Only one I find is way out dated.