Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Indeed
  2. Whenever my friend attempts some kind of action, i.e. Hitting eb or another person, she gets an error that says "couldn't contact server. Please try again" after that, she is unable to perform any actions until she restarts the app. This is really hampering her gameplay as the error itself occurs frequently while she plays.

    Is there anyone else that experiences this error and is there some kind of solution for it?
  3. Report it to support, nothing players know could help that, as it's not a client end issue

  4. Only when I lose signal, otherwise kaw works fine.
  5. When is epic battle event starting?i hate war
  6. Probably a couple days after this crappy event has ended.
  7. Apes can never satisfy their lust for bananas and bananas cost money.

  8. Four serious questions, one rhetorical, zero answers.
  9. Why can I only buy one fugitive key? Does it mean all the rest of my chests are going to be a complete waste of time?
  10. 1 a day. No you can use the others with nobility if you wish.
  11. No to both the questions about lowland and yes to the questions about individual.
  12. Yeah but tomorrow I can't buy any more. I would have bought more keys if I had ever been aware of a time limit
  13. Yeah but tomorrow I can't buy any more. I would have bought more keys if I had ever been aware of a time limit

  14. Pretty sure they made it clear enough
  15. Does having more losses put you higher on overall Lb? Cause I'm sub 4k in both price and allies however overall I'm only 6300, and I know I have a small amount of successful atks
  16. The battle lb has an outsized effect on lb ranking in my experience
  17. You're only so low because such low attacks don't think losses would have anything to do with it defense's might. I'm 2827 and I'm not much bigger than you.
  18. Spy actions also play a significant part in lb ranks.

    Also, i do not believe hire value is a factor in any other lb rank than its own individual one.
  19. recieved 2 cruex boxes you took them?

    Received 2crusex boxes then you took them .messed me up Bulldog52