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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I'm thinking of getting into ally trading again, what's the most popular bracket these days?
  2. I just bought Doom and The Witcher 3, which is more fun ?
  3. That sounds like a tough one, I liked the witcher a good amount, but I also loved the first few dooms, but haven't tried the new one, but I feel like doom would be mine
  4. Yeah it's really hard to choose I'm really liking both, Doom has that old same feeling to it and The Witcher has a good story so far just like the last ones . Hard decision
  5. I made it bigger, so you can read it, I know the average IQ in your clan is quite low Liber, this should help.
  6. Yeah I read it. Talk about low IQ when you don't even know how to use commas correctly. 
  7. In pvp, if you hit some one with a bombardment or an allied fleet it says "(nameofplayer) stole/attacked you with the help of a bombardment/allied fleet" dosent that defeat the purpose of having a spy build if you hit someone and it says your name??? Am i missing something????
  8. It's to balance it I think. Considering that spy builds would be significantly more op than they already are in the game, so to answer indirectly, no not really. It's really just more balanced that way imo.
  9. Is the cup noodle microwavable?
  10. It costs 2.01t to buy all highlands so this is the answer to your question assuming you have all lowlands given to you for free.

    If you meant HLBC then it would be the answer above with the cost of your builds on top

    I will use troop building values to keep things simpler.

    Lowlands 334b assuming you upgrade your castle to level 3

    Highlands is 5.9375t to max (5t 937b 500m)

    So if you add this onto the land costs you get a total of 8.2715t (8t 271b 500m)

    Not that much if you consider event rewards :p
  11. And from that you can deduct ~3.7t cause LVL4 HL are absolutely useless :p
  12. Not useless just highly cost inefficient for stats gained and without them you wouldn't be HLBC
  13. Why is it that idiots flock to forums?
  14. I just want to say the scrolls still suck and the resonators even more!!!
  15. Why are we all here is thevreal question.
  16. Here's a reel/->

    Who was the most bad ass kawer n why

    If it's too hard I'll tell u the real answer in a lil
  17. This is really a personal opinion for everyone. Commonly, iProphet is credited with that title. However, other significant mentions would be Laoda, Assassin(when he ran assassins guild), Swabia, bellemorte, and arguably Silph.

    I mention Silph because no one has had a longer spree of steady success and LB status as far as I know like Silph.