Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. At the moment, what is the fastest way to get mithril? And what would you say Is the best LL tank build
  2. I would say participating in EE would be the fastest way to accumulate mithril.

    As for LL build, I'm sure that is entirely dependent on the group you're warring with. No particular build is superior than all the others. Groups try and to have their builds organized.
  3. All level 1 spy defense buildings causes a glitch that gives you a fat man and 1000 mini nukes.
  4. Cast for PvP events and get the sword spell thingy, chance to drop 5 mith when attacking/assassinating as well as PvP event rewards giving you decent amount of mith
  5. Ll wars are the easiest way to get mith.
  6. whats a window in wars?
  7. The area a player can be up in a specific war type. For example:

    Random war, 5-10 min KO.

    Window is the area between 5-10 minutes, where there's potential for them to be up.
  8. I want the Devs to post more non-Kaw related threads like the spaceX one. Can they post more?
  9. tnx
  10. Purchasing one single 1t ally will probably make it more like that they get hired at a later point, and smaller accounts are more likely to quit due to lack of interest.
  11. There isn't really anything you can do to defend against a strip, if it's going to happen it'll happen, no matter if your allies are hidden or not.

    As for your question of which would work out better, personal preference really, there's some decent sized allies at the 500b mark, some of those at that price are the same size as those at the 1T mark
  12. Can any very experienced indi war/ll war vets fill me in on everythinf there is to know point me to reference material, been trying to do what im told and everything but still end up as dead weight. Follow would be appreciated!
  13. There's not much more to tell you from what you're doing, for LL wars just build up more BFA to be harder to hit.

    Indi wars are a different beast, most of the time it's lucky rostering.
  14. will there be usefull mith equip released soon? all the existing equip is useless... and i dont know what to do with all the mith^^
  15. Someone tell me where to click to create armies and stuff :?
  16. Go to kingdom. You add buildings instead of people :lol:
  17. O wow. Thought I could create armies too
  18. Re: PoHow does one hide?st Questions Here

  19. Can't find kawculator in the App Store anymore... Anyone know where it went?
  20. The app was outdated anyway, but I can't find it on the store either, so it was probably removed.