Sorry for asking so many questions 1.when I buy SOS is it better to have more Lvl 1s or less but they are higher levels? 2. When should I upgrade my castle ?
If you are replacing buildings on the lowlands then I would say build level 1 SOS first until you can't build anymore. I would then try and upgrade to level 3 each time before building another level 2. I would say get the castle as early as possible as you can reasonably afford it because it's a really useful upgrade for low level ebs
So I did my first war yesterday ( individual ) and I had no idea what I was doing. Can anyone follow me or link me to a thread that explains everything, Cheers
Doubt there is one that covers everything lol u just have to learn as u go. But if u want follow me and ask any question u have about wars am not exactly a complete noob at ee war so might be able to help
Some people follow the general rule of upgrading whatever is cheapest to do next: ug, building or land. it can be applied at any stage of growth during KaW as a good guideline and as kezzer said, do the castle asap
In most cases yes I tend to advise sticking to the what's cheapest rule however there are a few buildings that have awful upgrades. Level 2 SOS is awful for the cost compared to the level 1 and 3 which is why I advise working to all level 1 first and then upgrading to level 2 then 3 instead of upgrading all to level 2 first then all to level 3.
If you're relying on purely bfe I would assume around 400 ATT. I have 289m, and start the occasional fail at around 35-40% (with full mith and pots)
not really bfe/bfa thats gonna have you being able to successfully hit Lotl many abyss BC ppl still get unsuccessful hits. The eb really is for bug stat guys Your size would earn more and grow better progressing through the scrag ebs first
From what I have seen it's around 625m raw attack stats you need in order to successfully attack LOTL with the minimum troop loss. This means you stop failing too so to answer your question you need around that much bfe/bfa unless you want to use attack pots to help boost your power which is what I do right now although I only use 4 pots myself.