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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. thinking of building some attack buildings, how much can i build before i turn hybrid?
  2. As long as 75% or more of your buildings are spy builds you'll have spy build mechanics.
  3. Actually in order to remain hansel you need less than 25% troop buildings (not including towers)

    If you have 100 buildings and 25 are troops you are hybrid (25% troops)
    If you have 99 buildings and 24 were troops you would be hansel (24.2% troops)
  4. To add to the Hansel question , is there any current guide to a Hansel build?
  5. ^Here's your guide...

    You're atk heavy.

    You've built atk heavy into hf smh.

    Anyway, swap out your ll for lvl.3 sos.

    Swap out your atk buildings on hl to LVL.3 VOLS

    Move back to HF, swap atk buildings (maybe keep 1 or 5 on WHATEVER LAND YOU WANT but hf lands would probably be better >.> ) to Lvl.2-4 ice trees (whatever the heck you want)

    Unlock abyss and you're basically up to me.
  6. Smh people hating on my neat building design.

    But for real thanks for the advice. How is the loot in ebs?
  7. Your ll dont look so 'neat', amigo.

    Plunders pretty good.

    Depends on the eb most of the time but as I am now... Hte I'm hitting around 145Mil, no bonuses except for br.

    Could be more, haven't done hte in a while.
  8. I make about 230 with EE lv. 5, my ll are losing me loads of plunder tho.
  9. can i upgrade the advent blade

    why do people say allys instead of allies and allie instead of ally

    why am i being sold like a piece of meat to the highest

    does anyone want to help me stalk my owner
  10. Cheers
    And my LL looks terrible agreed.
  11. I dont think you can upgrade the advent.

    Probably because they are stupid-sauce.

    It's called hiring or maybe in your case a volley.
    It's less like a travelling night tramp and more of an ALLY to a powerful kingdom. I get my chuckles though too.
    Regardless, you get gold from it. So that's a plus.

  12. You can't.

    People are dumb.

    Cause you're a slave.

    I can be your owner bby <3
  13. They don't decrease plunder, but they theoretically do. Towers in ll hl and hf all actually decrease plunder, but in abyss it doesn't decrease. I'm trying to say it theoretically does drop, because it could be replaced with a plundered building.

    Tl;Dr they don't decrease plunder.
  14. Yep. Still 100m a hit.
  15. If you're making 100m a hit. I wouldn't worry about towers yet 

    P.S. I know 100m was just an example
  16. lolol
  17. How much is..roughly... a good bfe?
  18. That depends on what you're planning to do. For PvP there is no good bfe as the constant events have saturated the game with constantly stronger and stronger equip, forcing the average bfe amount higher and higher with no rest.

    For ebs...all I know is you need 30mil attack in bfe to hit haunt without fail. Can't really help you there.
  19. best build in terms of fight mechanics?