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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Sorry, didn't realise this was 2 pages away lol.
    Answer above ^^
  2. LL cost a total of 11b. It's not that big of a deal.
  3. Hey all. Please keep your language appropriate. I removed some posts. If you want to repost your questions without inappropriate language please feel free to do so. Thanks so much.
  4. Thanks babe
  5. I thought inappropiate language was auto-deleted?
  6. I don't see any :|
  7. While that is true for a lot of things there will still be some content that gets past the filter. Also words that aren't inappropriate can be made so based on the context.
  8. Excellent work, Kezerah.

    You actually made an effort to go back through the 35500+ pages in search of bypasses?
  9. because it was deleted :|
  10. I know this question may be silly, but is there a way to get Crux Chests anyway other than event chests?
  11. Crux chests are gained through; event rewards, through event chests and in special sales you can purchase them for nobility.
  12. Can get crux from event reward and the chests but that's it however there has been sales in the past look out for one of them.
  13. Alright thank you guys!
  14. how to make a thread?
  15. Click on Forums>Forums> Select the category you want to post in>click "New Post" at the top.
  16. what does hansel stand for? like the actual letters? or does it not stand for anything
  17. A build that has either 25% or less of their buildings attack buildings.
  18. When was KaW created?
  19. The Hansel build was named after the player Hansel.

    KaW was created September 10th, 2009.
  20. I didn't mean for that to be answered seriously, just so I could post this.

    I didn't know that KaW was so old before.