How effective would a pure spy tank be in war? Probably going to say why not a tps1-3 so you can plunder etc, well less chance of getting ko'ed, you only have to focus on spies, with no gold out you'd be unhittable (unless something has changed?)... I think that's all, opinions?
I'm a noob when it comes to EE, but I don't see any issues with it, as long as you have a decent number of towers. However not addin attack buildings makes you basically a sitting brick, all you would be doing is tanking spies, essentially you'd me going inactive the whole war
No, you'd be able to ko peeps by downing people with your slightly higher than average spy atk. Assassinate or Scout to down. Rinse and repeat until profit.
I thought it was a discussion. You wont simply be stuck inactive in war, I was providing my opinion and proof as to why I think it's incorrect. Now it's your opportunity to provide more input. Don't take it personal -.-
works pretty well. you can't really carry your team cause you have no plunder but you're able to deal huge damage with assas and you can completely shut down 2 targets at start if done right. + you will always have 50 actions.
i usually barely get inc, maybe one person trying to dump sb. you can easily counter and get this person down tho, ps arent really worth taking down with bigger incs. you should still avoid it tho, you're only useful when up and high.
Noone really wins. We all just play along believing it to be important enough to spend our hard earned dollars on, until eventually, we find better things to do with our time, or the game shuts down. In the meanwhile, it's an interesting place to come and tap tap on your phone. Better than Facebook.