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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Could you bring home Milk after work?
  2. Thats a wife/mom related question.
    Not kaw related.
  3. Is the kawmunity achievement counting from the first day you started kaw or for how many days you play?
    Is there a way to find out when you started kaw?
  4. It's from when you started playing.

    If you are on pc you can roughly work out how long you have been playing by looking at the loyalty achievement. If you have a loyalty achievement for 120 days and received it 580 days ago you have been playing for 700 days so just under 2 years :)
  5. or, if possible, look through your pms and see if you can find the welcome message that the devs send to new players
  6. I believe the welcome message was introduced quite late into the game so only those who have been playing a relatively short amount of time will be able to use that method.
  7. On android it just says long ago after 100 days
  8. I deleted the welcome message long time ago. Dang.
  9. Should I buy allies, a few spy buildings, or attack towers after event?
  10. Honestly it depends on what you want to do in kaw. If you war a lot then you can consider putting up a few ADT in order to be a tanky hansel. If you want to see progress and grow in general then stick to adding spies. If you want to war then consider buying allies as a long term investment for strength and profit. The ally market is inflating quite quickly right now though so take that into consideration.
  11. Not quite. The only real way to find out is play every day in the year until you earn the next "years played" achievement.

    The reason why I say not quite, is because say you join Kaw and go inactive, come back months later and earned the 120day, the next day you log on it will say "earned 1 day ago". Even though your account was created over 121 days ago.
  12. That's why I said roughly :p It's not a perfect method but it gives you a decent idea of when you started at least.
  13. What's around max plunder for my size? I've been told it's 50b and I have 2t in allies. Is 2t too much for me?
  14. Jackson- 2 t is enough for a bc account 
  15. Yeh that's enough
  16. Really? Oh... Well I'm quite stupid then
  17. Not gonna disagree
  18. Won my war didnt get xtal back?
  19. Not guarenteed