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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. The epic battles Origins, The Destroyer, Figure of Death, Sporavek's Revenge, The Gilded Lord, A Cold Calling, The Sleeping Giant, A Sacrifice of Flesh, and Lignabelua of the Lowlands drops Bloodwood.

    You can see my Epic Battles Guide in the Guides section of the forums for more information! :)
  2. shameless advertising, lol
  3. 11 lvl 3 Unakari Ice tree & 5 lvl 2....next land is 185bil so should upgrade or open new lands? Seems like my plunder has gone down a bit aa i upgrade dont know if i open new lands and place a lvl1 if itll mess with plunder even more

    **edit...had 5 lvl 2 ice trees have 4lands a 4 lvl 1 soy builds on abyss**
  4. Keep getting more lands until you unlock abyss at 15 hoarfrost. Then build up in abyss because they are amazing plunder and stats for price.
  5. So 16lands on hf and 4 on abyss in total all other lands maxed out
  6. if you have abyss open then work on them for a bit :) i advise going up to level 4 for now with the abyss buildings you have
  7. your lv 4 volaries are tilting me. upgrade your abyss buildings to lv 10, one after another. that'll give you loads of plunder.
  8. lol he doesnt need to advertise. almost everybody has used it atleast once and its awesome :)

  9. That was a joke
  11. Is ll war capped at 50 mith payout?
  12. yes
  13. How do I reset account on computer?
  14. Resets were removed as they no longer serve a purpose. If you really want to reset try contacting support@athinkingape.com
  15. Should i go for Offensive or defensive equip as a warring ps?
  16. Should I put up attack towers, normal spy buildings for plunder, or buy allies after event?
    For pvp

  17. If you want to grow put Spy-buildings, if you want to war and stay in your bracket buy allies