What do you think about having a clan achievement for clans that have been around for 6 months to years? Would give bonus stats or plunder % Maybe up to 5-15% extra plunder?
So what do you think about devs coming out with a special time limit eb like before ?? Clans who complete the eb within a certain time limit will get bonuses ??
Opened myself up for PVP event with 200b out, down to 13b. Can i use my spies on eb and still be open to attacks since gold is out?
There's a thread under the guide section of fourms that explain that stuff it's called build mechanics.
^I hear the stat boost you get from level 4 is not worth the price tag. I.e. 158+Bil for 40-60K spy atk and spy def stat increase. I still have 25 lvl.3 vols on hl.
what is the max hit range? are towers included in the cs? are towers included in the hit range calculations?
Because if I do an up arrow someone may reply thus I can ensure the person whom I'm quoting knows I'm talking to them