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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. What do you think about having a clan achievement for clans that have been around for 6 months to years?

    Would give bonus stats or plunder %

    Maybe up to 5-15% extra plunder?
  2. No, rewards should be given for success, not longevity
  3. Midday pst,
  4. So what do you think about devs coming out with a special time limit eb like before ?? Clans who complete the eb within a certain time limit will get bonuses ??
  5. U wrong, it's that time right now and it hasn't started :p
  6. ^ nvm it has :lol:
  7. stop trolling on this thread
  8. Xstals used in war get refunded still right?
  9. Not 100% of the time
  10. Wow that sucks
  11. Opened myself up for PVP event with 200b out, down to 13b. Can i use my spies on eb and still be open to attacks since gold is out?
  12. There's a thread under the guide section of fourms that explain that stuff it's called build mechanics.
  13. Whats wrong with volary lvl 4? Everyone tells me not to upgrade past 3
  14. ^I hear the stat boost you get from level 4 is not worth the price tag.
    I.e. 158+Bil for 40-60K spy atk and spy def stat increase.

    I still have 25 lvl.3 vols on hl.
  15. So when should i upgrade it ??? Once abyss lands and hf is done ?
  16. after abyss imo. price/stat ratio is terrible
  17. what is the max hit range? are towers included in the cs? are towers included in the hit range calculations?
  18. Somewhere around x5 your stats
  19. Why u keep quoting u noooooob^
  20. Because if I do an up arrow someone may reply thus I can ensure the person whom I'm quoting knows I'm talking to them :D