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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. For example.. You can have rough finished stats of 25m / 32m / 30m / 43m, looks like a hybrid tank.. Is infact a hansel
  2. ^
  3. Bring back ZTA ??? ;)
    HTE is the rotwb, and rotwb is still really warbeast.
  4. Has Today's update affected anyone advisedly? After today's update I reverted back to lowlands status. I lost access to all the advance potions, the mage and advance spells. It is almost as if I did not unlock any lands beyond the first two.

    Yes I have e-mail support about the issue.
  5. Hi everyone,

    First of all, happy new year! I hope everyone has an enjoyable year ahead :)

    Now, I want to do Lowland War but I don't know how exactly I should build my Lowlands.

    My current build is:
    1x Lv3 Castle
    2x Lv3 COE
    12x Lv3 SOS
    2x Lv3 ADT
    8x Lv4 Guild

    Obviously the guilds have to go, but what should I replace them with! Thanks in advance for your excellent suggestions as always!

    Sorry for being a noob,
  6. How long does it take to get nobs from purchase
  7. Should be as soon as the purchase was made
  8. Zelgard the accused, it's a better eb than HTE requires 100 nob and anyone in the clan can contribute to that.
  9. Where to check war logs? Ty
  10. Change 8 guilds to COE, change 2 SOS to ADT, change 6 SoS to SDT.

    10 COE
    4 ADT
    4 SOS
    6 SDT

    solid hybrid build, able to be changed cheaply
  11. What is the format of the email to send to get Un silenced?
  12. Username:
    Description of Issue:
  13. Reason I was silenced:
    How long:

  14. support@athinkingape.com
  15. When does pvp start
  16. Usually 9pm UK time, so that's gmt (dunno which gmt) And something else in pdt idk
  17. 4 hours 20 mins
  18. 8pm gmt