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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Is that the devil from tenacious d
  2. Correct
  3. someone scout me and tell me what to upgrade next?
  4. ur buildings lel
  5. Yuusei, maybe ask your clanmates/a friend...

    Instead of the noob above me.
  6. says u lol
  7. how much did redstar spend in real money on this game?
  8. who tf cares to know. Just know it takes alot to maintain lb position
  9. If I could spend all the money I want on KaW, I would be #1...

    Ask redstar lol if you can find him
  10. When does clan LB update? What time?
  11. I believe once a day. Idr the time
  12. 6:00am CST I think
  13. Are ally hires allowed during a Indy war
  14. You can only hire your opponents allies.
  15. Does bfe really matter
  16. Depends in what context.
    When going outside into the real world, no I doubt it matters.

    However in game I think it may matter yes.
  17. What they said @Del
  18. So how come cella can have old equip and some new and still maintain #1
  19. Shes an independent women that doesn't need no man
    (I don't think BFE is applied to lb)
  20. It is because it either is very good, memorable old equips, or provides a percentage bonus, which, at Cella's stats, is much larger than another stat bonus equip that goes in the same spot.