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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Only if it says lowlands
  2. When I hit my profile, under events it says "Lowland war war#28 individual classic"
    So I guess it lowland mechanic.
  3. Do spells expand your hit range?
  4. As in battle list targets?
  5. No. Your hit range is determined by your raw stats, not including bfa/bfa/spells or pots
  6. Pretty sure bfa changes range otherwise big SH wouldn't be able to hit anyone except smalls which I am pretty sure isn't the case
  7. yes, bfa effects hit range, hence i cannot hit redstar.
  8. Yes
  9. What happens to clans with invalid users?
  10. If unlimited xstals ends today, will the unlimited xstals used today count towards to 24 allowed today? Or will it reset?
  11. Email support@athinkingape.com they should help with it include the clan name

    No mainly because where the devs are at its considered a new day and that's when the crystal usage is reset
  12. What does high BFA do for a player that stopped upgrading ?
  13. high bfa (or bfe) will grant you high static stats. This means that even when your troops are getting low you will still have a lot of stats.

    Basically high bfe/bfa makes you always pack a punch no matter your troop level.
  14. But my BFA is mainly defense :(
  15. Then it means that you will always high high defence stats, pretty much like towers.
  16. Just remember that the bfa is 1/50 of cs. So if you hire someone with 500,000 combined stats, they increase your own cs (hidden) by 10,000. Equivalent to half a forge. But through sheer force of numbers it can add a ton! Just think, if you own 50 allies as strong as you, you've doubled your own strength.
  17. Will using xstals increase the number of event items that drop in an eb
  18. up to a point yes because you get more actions in however every eb will have a cap on how many items you can earn so you need to find the balance.
  19. We just finish hte,, a minute after 12 noon,, why kaw didn't pay plums? Some of our members suppose to make their 2.5 n 5 k,, I just hope you guys do a consideration n let them get their rewards,, or refund my money he seal n xtals they used,, tyvm ,, we're wait for your response asap,, Second Echelon clan
  20. No drops after event over.