Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. You need to be on the desktop version of the forums to get links to player profiles.

    Just click on the player name in forums and copy the link in the URL box. When clicking on that link in the app, you will be redirected to the player profile.

    I hope this helps! :)
  2. It helps greatly, thanks for the third time chocolate :lol:
  3. I'm glad to hear that! No problem, Sasuke! :D

  4. Awwww you guys!!!!!

    Just for you two

  5. If I buy kaw do I earn 2% of the game?
  6. 100%
  7. what's the max plunder range for an albc player of any build?
  8. The build would make the biggest difference
  9. yeah true... i want to find a rough price of what you'd need in allies to maintain mp after getting to albc in the high plunder ranges...the low plunder range i guess you can have no troop/spy buildings if you were all towers so that'd make the value of the albc mp range 0-xxx anyway
  10. I've ran out of toilet paper so I'm basically stuck on the toilet what do I do?
  11. Grab some leaves
  12. Please keep this thread for legitimate questions by people who need help, for example new players. Spam your garbage elsewhere
  13. I wouldn't say its garbage but i see your point.
  14. I don't know, this seems pretty imperative...
  15. My alt.swampman70445,was warring the last info,and the season expired /reapply came up ,I went to do it and lost everything !mith,gold,etc. Now I all have is the kaw new member join,cannot get my alt back! All because of that sorry maintance,everyone this game messes up and ppl get screwed !higher ppl that know what their doing !!
  16. Email support@athinkingape.com and explain the situation
  17. Did you restart kaw?
    In the thread about ll ee(top of ative topics atm) they state you will need to do this.
  18. What does a land complete build complete merc run? As far as price?
  19. Restate your question using different verbs
  20. is anyone having trouble with buying supplies? When I buy a pot to quantity being bought replaces the quantity I already own. If it matters I am on a pc. Also was buying defense pots to be specific. It was happening down the line. Thanks for any help to resolve this. I will hold on buying pots unless at 0.