Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  2. My plunder goes down as I upgrade. Does this have something to do with the fact that it's a Sea Nymph Temple?
  3. Plunder should initially show a drop but then go back up with later upgrades. You may just need to build more of them.
  4. He said LB. Not just some nub who doesn't know mechanics that spends a lot to BC
  5. 
  6. what's a quick way to grow? returned back to kaw and resetted.
  7. HTE is a great way to grow but honestly the best way to grow is to get max plunder allies then just be mega active in ebs. Once you can get to the higher tier ebs things are generally quicker.
  8. HTE is a great way to grow but honestly the best way to grow is to get max plunder allies then just be mega active in ebs. Once you can get to the higher tier ebs things are generally quicker.
  9. And the leaderboard arent nubs that don't know what they are talking about? That's news.
  10. As mango said, plunder will start to go down at first but then back up, on EVERY eb
  11. What is the cs of a maxed adt on HF?
  12. Re: Post Questions HereI would like to know when low land upgr

    Re: Post Questions HereI would like to know when low land upgrades are coming and castle upgrades
  13. Re: Post Questions HereI would like to know when low land upgr

    They are out already
  14. 1 Level 10 red war citadel adds 677,422 to your defense stats.
  15. If I'm in a clan doing an EV, get dropped, and rejoin while the EB is still active, does my ending plunder bonus stay the same?
  16. No u lose it
  17. What's an "EV"?
  18. Eb. Autocorrect
  19. Yes you lose all of the end plunder bonus you previously worked for