Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. email support@athinkingape.com
    include game: KaW
    full ingame name
    and apologize for your behaviour, that would work.
  2. collect soulloaf to get rewards, click on the chest on your homescreen for more details.
  3. Does kaw have any other games?
  4. Kaw
    Think that's all if I'm wrong please correct me.
  5. Those are the only ones that still exist.
  6. What is the best mith/war equip to currently get?
  7. The most expensive ones.
  8. eb equip
  9. Equip you can buy with mith
  10. For the top comment on the lands. I think there is 100 now. 25 lnads in 4 different areas.
  11. So I'm busy BL hitting and minding my own business, when this thought occurred to me.

    Im hitting various people each day, trying not to over farm by being very random in my hitting, but not paying too much attention to the individuals I'm hitting names. Just relying on the BL to vary my targets when it refreshes.

    Does anyone know how random the refresh, target generation is on the BL ?
  12. the bl only displays people from around your size (bfa included) and who are currently online, after that is completely random.

    and what is overfarming? various unloads spreaded over a week?
  13. They aren't necessarily currently online, but have but online recently
  14. recently cant be more than 5 minutes ago based on the pvp blitzes.
  15. We aren't talking based on the pvp blitz
  16. Thanks and interesting.
  17. and what is overfarming? various unloads spreaded over a week?[/quote]

    Basically, im only hitting 5 times and moving on, not trying to be a badass here, just don't want to join a clan and don't want to hit Warbeast on my own. So over farming in this sence is hitting more than 5 times in 24 hours
  18. haha... 5 hits... 5 hits every day would be farming. One single unload randomly isnt..
  19. I lost my email and can't log into my account. Help!
  20. Sorry, it's classified. But you can still email support@athinkingape.com and explain your issue.