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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. [quote="igerppots]If I want to start EE again for the next season, do I need to sell all my d pots to give less plunder? As a hansel, do I need to go PS or does hansel still work?[/quote]
    sell att def pots. You could go hansel if you know what you are doing
  2. Seen anyone with over a million losses?
  3. Anyone with enchanted LoTL equip?
  4. Go Hansel, its indi war and you can get more plunder and kos with troops
  5. Check out generalwolf.

    Over 5mill losses
  6. How do you become a mod? I think I might in a few years (If I can.) I don't know how, but I would really like it if someone could explain to me the process and if it's a good idea in actuality.
  7. there is a thread in the Rules of Conduct section of the forums. Basicly be helpful.
  8. Only you can decide if it's a good idea though.
  9. Are Hansel builds still a good build?
  10. every active build is a good build ;)
  11. Yes
  12. Define good. It all depends what you want from the build. Hansels are great for primal wars and are great builds with decent bfe/bfa as if you skim you earn a lot. If you want to rock in pvp events and all wars types consider tanking.
  13. Anyone got the dune dweller arm things at max?
  14. Are towers included in determining your build?
  15. Has bellemorte's mechanics thread been removed ? Can't find in guides or strategy ..
  16. No all but castle and towers
  17. Being as small as I am, how do I get heavier into the PvP Warring side of KaW?
  18. By participating in wars, or simply just hitting the battle list, pvp is a live and learn environment you can't exactly teach it
  19. Well it depends if you want osw or ee as your pvp side. Right now you need either more spy buildings or towers(advise against at this time) to make you little better in PvP side of kaw. Need more advise or help my pm is open.