Re: PostQuestionsHere Emoji is a keyboard tool you can download it in the app store for free. Doing wall are will take some practice and a bit of skill. I'd suggest using notepad to practice in before using any walls. Also look around people's walls if you see a style you like try to copy it and change it up a little to fit your style.
Re: PostQuestionsHere @Ming Yes you can find this, it is stored as part of your back up information.
Re: PostQuestionsHere @apophis how to I find from my backup information? And is that iTunes backup or anything?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Depends what os you use Users -> User -> Library -> Application Support -> MobileSync -> Backup Or Edit/Preferences/Devices and you can view the backups (sorry for not saying which os is which but not sure if I can state them lol) Apophis
Re: PostQuestionsHere @SKEWERER If you wish to make your own wall art then check out the thread "HOW TO MAKE WALL ART" you will find it under the Off Topic section of the forums Apophis
Re: PostQuestionsHere But that will one year ago I formatted my computer before so mean can't did it ??
Re: PostQuestionsHere @ming Your udid does not change over time. Therefore so long as it is the same device the backup information will hold the relevant UDID Apophis
Re: PostQuestionsHere ok your supposed to make money off of purchased allies right? correct me if im wrong. I had a 5 bil ally and when someone bought it I only received 4.8 bil. is this supposed to happen. I feel shortchanged...
Re: PostQuestionsHere You hired the ally for around 4.7b I'm assuming and the price value went up to 5b. You actually do make money, not the 5% that it jumps by though.
Re: PostQuestionsHere I love Kaw I'm guessing when you hired the ally is was closer to 4.5 billion or less. When you hire an ally and that ally is purchased you make 1.58 % on the sale roughly. But you make that on the price you bought the ally for. Not the price the ally sells for. Hope that's clear enough.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Pleased I cancelled my post to check your name ... Otherwise you would have had another identical answer lol To all those on this thread, I will be making frequent daily visits here to answer all your kaw questions, if you feel silly asking then feel free to pm me Apophis
Re: PostQuestionsHere Whats the point when they can get precise answers from a variety of people on this thread? Its faster, and more accurate to have different sources of information. Especially when you could be wrong
Re: PostQuestionsHere @Missy This is soul... Does that help... Am I likely to be wrong ? Also any questions not posted here but in pm instead I would update here with the answer Apophis