Re: PostQuestionsHere I have an account on my pc, and a different account on my iphone. i wanna transfer my pc account into my iphone as it is more trained. is it possble?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Hi. I would like to check with your about The 5 times transfer you can do from phone to phone. Isit possible to push to make it to 10?
Re: PostQuestionsHere o.7274% chance for quests - if you want nobility points (crowns) do the easiest quest - that will maximize your hits, and offer the most chance.
Re: PostQuestionsHere What will happen if i reset my acc,is there something good to do in my acc or i will be more powerful.
Re: PostQuestionsHere When you reset you lose everything except crystals, nobility, friends/walls, propacks and reset items, and any mithril spells active when you reset. Everything else goes bye bye. As for benefits, you get to start over if you messed up, and the first 4 resets offer stat boosts that are permanent, as well as an additional 50 ally slots - you need a minimum of 25 lands explored to get these. 1) 3% attk/def 2) 3% spy 3) 5% attk/Sattk 4) 5% def/Sdef
Re: PostQuestionsHere Can someone explain how this happened in a wars pay out? It was a small war my friend and I participated in. Heartfall Is me obviously Buck is my friend Now compare my successful actions To his then compare his successful actions to rebels. WTF
Re: PostQuestionsHere The size you are and the size you hit varies a bunch on the pay out. Example: In a war i hit a player and get 100 successful actions. I get 2 mith as a pay out. A smaller player in my clan hits the same player and gets 100 successful actions. They will more than likely get more mithril payout at the end.
Re: PostQuestionsHere That's odd, seems like size shouldn't matter but more things like successful actions should so that the bigger role the player played the more they should receive.
Re: PostQuestionsHere I got a band-aid on my leg do i yank it off like a man and take the pain or do i risk loosing the seal?
Re: PostQuestionsHere i have an account that uses my android phone and my facebook. However i want to change the account so that it goes to my other facebook that i made. Is it possible to do this ?
Re: PostQuestionsHere On your android account, send feedback using the two thumbs symbol on your phone. Use something along the lines of "I would like to unlink this account to the current facebook account". Wait up to 24 hours, if you have no reply from the developers then try again. After they have unlinked it simply link the correct facebook account