Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. You log out of KaW on whatever device it is you're unlinking.
  2. Let say you have an ipad and just bought a new iphone. And both are linked.

    You want to give your ipad to someone who plays kaw. But, you don't want them to have access to it. (Because it violates ToU.)

    Unlinking severs the link between your account and that device.

    Edit: Another scenario
    Also, it's a way to safeguard your account. If you lose the phone/damage it and sell it to a company, they will have access to your account. Unlinking fixes that

  3. Be sure you have associated the account with Facebook or ATA FIRST. otherwise you cannot recover the account.
  4. ok guys.. tnx
  5. This happens during the first regen after you dropped your troop building. After 5 minutes, you're open to attack.
  6. Is recycling thread against the rules? Because it can be called a bump, but it reduces the useless threads... Any mod can answer this? Just curious....
  7. Any forums mod can answer this? ^
    Just curious.....
  8. There are no forum mods, just mods

    You can. It's been done before.
  9. Be sure to say it's a recycled thread and that you are bumping it because it's a new topic and such.

    Warning: May disappear still even though you put tons of disclaimers.
  10. Is a little bump not allowed too? And, why is bumping bad?
  11. Lets say you made a thread and it fell out of AT that same day. You can "bump" it to force the thread back to the top. That's an ok bump.

    Generally anything a few weeks is ok to bump.

    Necro bumping is where it gets bad. Necro bumping is where someone bumps a thread 3-5 years old. In that time frame, the conversation died and it's somewhat of a "historical" thread. bumping will get the thread to lock.

    *Mods ma vary
  12. 2015, get outta here now
  13. He retired a while ago, dude.
  14. So I better bump before its too old :O
  15. Is There any spy heavy hybrid You Guys Know of..??
    Whose Build I can see & Ask him about the disadvantages & Advantages of This build..
    Ty in advance :)
  16. How much is 22nd highland?
  17. 170b
  18. My clan

    hi there,
    I use to have my own clan created by me long long time ago then I stop playing this game for almost one or two year. Now am playing again but different ID as I can't remember any thing like name of clan password etc but I have same email id and apple account I was doing shopping that time for clan.
    Any idea or help to get my clan....
    My email id is madan786us@yahoo.com
    Many thanks
  19. Any help you might be able to get would have to be through emailing support@athinkingape.com about it. That's your only avenue.
  20. Re: My clan

    Hey bud. This isn't the place to ask this.

    Email support@athinkingape.com

    Include the game you're emailing about, your username, and a brief description of the issue. I recommend editing your email out of you post.