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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. TEEHEE, clod Sounds funky, whats that
  2. ^ that. People use hansels in primal wars. Dump their troops so they are dtw to attacks and then stl to plunder
  3. Re: Active Topics

    What does ally lb depends upon. How much gold I hav in my ally or how strong is my ally?
    Suppose Mr.X has a 1tr 20m cs ally & Mr.Y has a 2tr 15m cs ally, Who will be ranked higher on Ally Lb.. ?? Pls reply..
  4. Re: Active Topics

    the strongest. And att stats bring you higher than spy stats. Not that it matters
  5. Re: Active Topics

    I gave an example.. Just reply whether its Mr.X or Mr.Y ??
  6. Thanks..
    And next time reply politely like here.. So i dont hav to block u farrokh
  7. No need for rude comments. Ally lb is based purely on BFA and has no influence by gold invested.
  8. Ok so I was thinking if doing some individual wars(don't know if it's too late or how wars work). I don't know how big I need to be or anything and I could use the help Of an experienced person who wars that is willing to teach me
  9. Thank you for your reply. And for not being a crackhead like some people here
  10. What is Aqua and inferno used for?
  11. When you're finally rich enough to explore 12 highlands you unlock this magical yet evil being called the mage.
    The mage lets you spend your inferno/aqua in return for enchanting equipment.

    Only you're not guarenteed thAt anything will enchant every time.

    You have a random chance to fail and even lose levels on your precious equipment.
  12. Does the guild hansel (level 4 guilds) and 1 or 2 CoE build still make a very good amount of plunder? I haven't played in awhile..
  13. What other games has ata made?
  14. It still makes decent plunder but the new gh is sh, ll and hl filled with lv1 sos and 2 att buildings on hf
  15. PimD, Meege, Future Combat (taken down), Gangs at war (taken down), some fail racing game that didnt last and SMASH, not sure if its still online
  16. Smash is, and the racing game was only on android.
  17. Might as well add that smash is IOS only in Canada and New Zealand?
  18. It's available worldwide now.

    It also requires a level 3 castle costing 10b which is unlocked after 12th highland is explored.
  19. SOS makes more now.