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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. PB, according to one thread put there in the guides section, 15m cs.
  2. Princess, it's not looking good.
  3. if the owner of a clan resets, does the clan disband?
  4. Yes.

    What should my stats be?
  5. Sasuke, pb is super underpriced then if its less than 1k cs.
  6. Damn 15mcs? Damn. Thanks y'all.
  7. Narwhal, according to the same thread i mentioned (link will be provided ASAP) 12m cs.
  8. Narwhal previous page. Your profits are 1.582% exactly of what you paid. The range you calculated is due to rounding as KaW cannot give half gold.
  9. Are br versions of ebs harder?
  10. Kind of. You have less time to do them
  11. Only as you have less time to complete. Otherwise same eb.
  12. Do you get a bigger "reward" if you were the one who used items in GM, in FOD?
  13. Yes, the one using the items in the last 3% phase will get a decent end bonus for throwing those items.

    All other item phases in FoD do pay quite well too.
  14. Im gonna use 1 on HTE items and 1 pot on TSG. See how much each pays per items
  15. In some hte clans why arent spies allowed?
  16. Of course you get a bigger reward, for any action you do on a eb.

    If you damage it in any way then you're going to get paid for it.
  17. They don't pay as much and limit others from getting the most amount since it doesn't pay as well.
  18. @n8n8

    Spies aren't aloud for attack build is for a few reasons but I'll try to shorten it for you.

    Attack builds actually can lose gold when hitting with spies.

    Where spies yield some extra gold it takes away from the rest of your clan members.

    Eb runs longer so everyone has a chance in eb.

    There's some of the reasons for you
  19. Are SH builds good in OSW?