The easiest for me is: Go to Click choose file Click Upload your photo Copy the Code under Forum (should be the second one down) Paste into Forums
Salt Yes you do Personally, I advise going for tbo greaves rather than the nml armplate. Try to switch out your trinket as well. But very good so far
Because eclipso is trying to make a name for themselves and you provided an opportunity for them to show off their superiority
Actually. I just happen to be on forums quite a bit in between regens. Kinda boring to stick to one thread. But yes, as they said, it doesnt help when people make it really easy for me to seem superior. I actually dont think like that. I like to help in any way I can. Trolls are the opposite side of that coin, so we dont get along very well Hope that answered your question
Questions on pure spy build How do you war? Basically. I know you must be cleared of all money before the war and you have a attack building to drop. But how does it work? Having no money out the entire war and not making any mith because assassination actions don't count to mith earned. Its so confusing to me. How do you work?
All spies. No attack building. Have spy spells cast. You make mith because you 1. Casted mith 2. You won (if you dont mith is REAL bad 2-4) 3. You make mith from how many pots you use, burn, and how many kos you get. 4. Since ass gets no mith except for the pots always use full pots. 5. Scouts do give mith but only sb another ps nothing else When you get a ko, sko ASAP. You want to be down before they attack you. When you sko, buy pots until youre as close to 0 as possible. **Tip: I often sell and rebuy pots to try and get as low as possible** When you come back up you'll probably get attacked once but if you get another ko just repeat the process. Also, if you have snall allies, I deeply recommend hiding your allies as they may hire pre-war so that they can plunder off you.
Question Who has BC reset their account the most amount of times? Was just wondering because they don't have anything like that on lb