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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. if a noob of wars like me did bad on an indi war, would there be any sort punishment from the others who participated in the war 
  2. If youre a noob, youre there to learn so probly no. In the instance that you:

    Give targs to enemy
    Spam cc
    Dont listen to wc
    Are inactive
    Or all of the above

    You may get farmed depending on the severity of the problem.
  3. Don't worry,most of us are nice people. Just listen to the EE War veterans and you will do just fine.
  4. Anyone mind answering my question on previous page. Still on Android :/
  5. Started 399 days ago. Anyone else who wants their start date told can do it themselves with a PC account or just ask me.
  6. is there new lands coming?

  7. Heard more lands are coming
  8. What is a better build Attack Build or Hansel Build?
  9. What are you trying to do with it?
  10. Mostly EB with some EE wars.

  11. Alright, well you'll need to wait and see who else responds now, because any info I have is months out of date :lol:
  12. Attack build with towers.

    Or hansel that can easily convert to ps for war
  13. Towered attack build works.

    Hansel you'd want to use the one attack build only during EB but hen you switch to EE you drop said building. This does make ebs difficult to hit but equip fixes that
  14. I'm using kaw on android and for dome reason kaw keeps saying could not connect to server and nothing loads. Any idea why?
  15. Your connection may be weak or you have poor wifi connection
  16. We all know to get EQ drops, you must hit the eb at least once.

    But, does that hit have to land?

    Do you need 1 successful action to get a chance at a drop?

    Or can a nearly stateless account come in, fail a hit, and still get the drop?
  17. Fails do no register as actions, but they activate you, equipment is looted to those with more than 0 successful actions.
  18. Ok. Thanks for the answer, and thanks for not giving me snide wall comments. :shock:
  19. How much gold do you get from Ph1 and 2 on HTE?
  20. I think around 30B