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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. There's a tracking guide in active topics, but as per normal rotwb and HtE drop best for time taken
  2. Are the hornet drops random, just like inferno/aqua, or are you guaranteed a drop in EBs that drops hornets?
  3. I believe its gauranteed unless you have almost bo actions. Thats just from my experience, though. I may just be super lucky but I'll put my money on the gauranteed idea :)
  4. From what I've seen, it looks like everyone who participates in a hornet-dropping EB will get about the same amount. However, there's probably a minimum number of actions needed to prevent people from getting hornets for 1 hit.
  5. Thanks for the answers! :lol:
  6. I only did 35 actions and still got hornets just a FYI.
  7. Which provides more overall plunder, an Elven Temple or an Unkari Ice Tree?
  8. Okay i wasnt specific enough there..
  9. Would I need defense/spy defense pots in war?
    What action would I do in war? Att and ass? Or att and scout? Or att and steal?
  10. Yes you need all pots for ee and osw. As for your second question you can do all actions
  11. Some clans will say no defense pots for ee depending on your build. As for osw its more a personal choice. Weigh up the benefits and cons yourself, as it will be a case by case issue.
  12. How often may I transfer my account?

    My iPod 4th gen has been constantly crashing
    I've been waiting on an announcement for the 6th gen, however I was thinking about getting the low end model of the 5th gen to tide me over. But if I get the 5th then I want to transfer to a 6th gen once released.
  13. Erm i do believe you may transfer your accnt as many times as you want. I think after excessive transferring they may decide to moniter you but as long as you arent doing anything bad, youre fine.
  14. 4 times in 5 years if I remember rightly
  15. Oh :lol: see? I believed wrong :p ive only transferred 4x so whew
  16. Has it been confirmed yet that the Top Red Bar pays out better than the Lower Sub Bars on Epic Battles?

    Please only confirmed answers
    I have enough speculation already

  17. So no info on my question I assume then
  18. Dependant on the sub bar type, if steal/scout yes. But attack/assassinate no.
  19. Can someone bump belles tower build mechs or can someone post their mechanics