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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. [rainbow] Test [/rainbow]
  2. Syk,I'd say 40-50b in allies. I'm 14m cs and have about 35-40b in allies.
  3. Cobra, you need to click into the bb code guide and click into the rainbow link. Then enter your text and generate your code
  4. So I'm at max plunder?
  5. Buy a cheaper ally and see if you ally bonus goes up. That should tell you if you are or not. I don't have this problem though :) :lol:
  6. Your* ally bonus
  7. I would think so. But just to make sure, hire a 500m Allie or something low at least, check your allies plunder bonus before and after the hire, if it changes, your not at max plunder. If it stays the same, you are at max plunder. :)
  8. Why do people ask for hires in WC when they can get the 1 million gold plus a few more million with one hit on an EB or player?
  9. I'm assuming most the time they just want their value boosted or want a new fresh owner.
  10. What is the point of a scout bomb? Wouldn't it be better to steal or assassinate?
  11. Scout bombs are easier and use less spies. They don't need as much strength or pots to successfully scout someone. It's not respectable to scout bomb but it works.

    But also if you assassinate someone until they're defender too weak there are still a few spies left. Some people will scout bomb them after they're DTW to kill all their spies and or to keep them pinned.
  12. Scouts bypass the opponent's spydef pots, thus have a better chance to succeed even if you are a hitter scouting a hansel.

    As hansels (and other spy heavy builds) live from their spies (it is their dangerous side), you will want to pin those as effectively as possible and this is done by scouting, especially as a hitter (you'd attack the spy till dtw). As a hansel, you'd assassinate another spy to pin him and once his troops are down (assa dtw), you'd finish his spies off by scouting.
  13. How much plunder does the gold ee rancor give?
  14. Do you get speakers on a PC account?
  15. I think you get some when you start a PC acc, but they don't regen.
  16. You get 0 speakers when creating a PC account. And they never regen, you have to purchase them with nobility points.
  17. How can I get emojis on my iPad 2? When I go to setting and keyboards there is no emoji isn't on the list