Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. How much money would I get back if I drop a scout tower from the new lands the 50 bill
  2. If u look at wulf's buildings and land guide it will tell you the sell price i believe :D
  3. You get a refund of 20% back of its initial price. This would be 10b for selling a T6 lvl1 tower, for example.
  4. in the clan rebels rebelled, the cr 1 weasel has ee lvl 0, how is this possible ???
  5. I'm going to guess that the level 0 ee spell is what will be given out for the Learn to War Thursday for losers. However, I'm pretty sure it doesn't do anything yet.
  6. Can someone bump the thread that talked about the daily xtal limit increase please? Or does someone know if that has ended or when it will end?
  7. What are the bonus percentages rewarded from each level of the EE spell?
  8. 25
  9. Thought it was somethin like 25,35,42,47,50.. but pretty much the same
  10. @weasel: as far as I remember, the daily xtal limit increase was only active until the end of last round's time trials (Tuesday).
  11. If I do EE war are attacks better for mirth or assassins and do assassins count to mirth or bo
  12. How come when I bump the build change thread it didn't come up on active topics?

    What's up with that??
  13. If I change my name to something else and then decide I want this name back could I do that or will it tell me it's already taken even though it isn't?
  14. Because it's a garbage topic prime.

    No it will not say the name is taken unless someone else takes it.
  15. Could somebody please bring me up to date with all of the current game acronyms and abbreviations? These forums seem to be written in a different language than they were last time I was here.
  16. Your activity achievement says otherwise.

    Would be helpful if you asked with the acronyms you do not understand so we could translate.
  17. This is an entirely new account  I played week one.

    I need to know the main build abbreviations basically. The EB and war abbreviations are pretty self explanatory.
  18. I just did h t e and cos I accidentally hit once more item than intended I was kicked. Sinners and saints just finished the eb before I was kicked but I received no rewards. So my question is where is my god dam plunder reward kaw.
  19. You aren't going to get any plunder.
  20. what is a ssh?