Balanced are a very common favorite but it truelly doesnt change too much. Choose whatever although i always did CoE
7.. but im guessing you know tht. Please do not troll a serious question thread. If you didnt know it was 7-1.
What's the highest spy defense bfe possible not including ASW winning armour? And what are the items?
You can get the same or better spy def bfe with eb equip and hunts equip depends on how you equip it. You can stack it in favour of your spy stats
Interestingly, S2 and S3 gear are not in the BiS(Best in Slot) gear list concerning spydef stats as eb drops have higher defensive stats. The highest spydef attainable with actual obtainable gear would be slightly over 109.5m spydef and consists of maxed enchanted PvE gear (eb drops). The highest spydef achievable would be the same PvE gear along with the ASW arms and shoulders as well as the moth hunt offhand. It would give you a spydef BFE of 121.5m PS: no percentage gear as well as banners have been taken into account. I do have BiS lists for the different stats in an excel format and might publish it one day if I find a decent way to present it and see that there is some interest for it.
Pros: EE clans will want you whereas they hate hansels You give no plunder in EE (no gold out) Can effectively pin 1-2 attk builds if you do it right Cons: Hard to grow with no attk builds Can be sb by sh if not big enough(EE) Alot of **** from forumers for being exploit On a side note, if you dont EE, PS is useless
Ehh i personally prefer hansel in osw but onesy does have a point. IF you know your build you could osw but just know you can be sb and be pinned. Its all preference. I have seen some ps in osw and skill determines how well it works always
Basically, they beat tested the first system war, so they were granted an extra 20 spaces along with Foxes.