Your BFA stats, get added onto your raw stats. So you only receive 1/50th of it, or 2% in truth to your own Bonus to Allies stats.
Mid builds are generally classified as builds who are not in the top few hundred of the Ally LB (usually called bigs or LB), or an SH style build.
Attack builds or tanks mostly. Depends on the ratios of troop stats to static defense/spy defense stats.
I would not class that as a tank. Tanks generally have considerable amounts of both spy defense towers and attack defense towers.
That player is doing nothing wrong. Pin your friend or let him deal with it. @Infamous - Unlikely. Practically unnecessary with so much BFA to have so much in ADT.
When does xstal timer reset? The timer is all screwed up. 16 hours and 37 minutes ago is when I was finally able to xstal again. I just max xstalled and now I can't xstal for 16 hours. That can't be right.