There really is no 'best' one to build. Everyone has their own opinion. Personally, I like the biggest balanced buildings you can put down. Some like attack buildings to maybe hide ADT or to get that slight advantage in a battle, others like defense buildings for more plunder or defense from attacks without losing money like towers make you lose, and some may even prefer lower tier buildings over higher tier(like a hansel using a stable over a COE).
Why can't you get rid of 24 hour limit on crystals. The 6 per be limit takes care of unfair advantage. In addition keeping us from max crystal more than 4 els per day is to little. This may have been necessary at one time.
With unlimited crystal use, you could potentially pin a ton of people indefinitely just by paying for all the crystals. While the devs do allow you to use many crystals, they realize that players shouldn't have too large of advantages just by paying.
To add on to what J3acon said, limiting players who spend big bucks is also why the put a price cap on how much you can spend daily. People were paying thousands in a day to be the its capped at $150. *Note* It may be capped at $300 as I think I saw something about it being raised, but it was/is $150 for awhile.
How long would it take to get 1.5tril in hte's spending around 7-12 hours a day with a payout of every unload 6bil
That would depend on your end bonus which would change per eb, and exactly how many hours a day you play. Assuming 7 hours of play a day, and a pure earning of 6b per hour, it will take you approx 36 days.
Okay that makes sense. They could however limit the number of hits on other players as a group in a 24 hour period. That along with the $300 dollar limit might solve the problem as well.
It's bad enough that there's very little PvP anymore, but that's mainly because the devs have added alternatives, but never taken away anything. Limiting hits on players just to improve EB plundering should never happen.
I am at a point when HF lands are getting expensive and now I need help to strategize how to go about building my HF. Do I buy lands and place lvl1 for all 25 then go about leveling? Or do I do half then ug to lvl2 or another way? Follow if you don't want to type here Thank you in advance
I suggest calculating the stats each new building or upgrade would give you divided by its price. Include the land price for lvl 1 buildings. This will let you increase your stats by the most for the least gold. Each time you get a new land, the price of the next goes up so at some point it'll be more cost effective to upgrade your buildings to level 2 than to build a new one. Eventually, (I think) the same will happen with upgrading to level 3. I haven't built on the HF, but I do know that this will get you higher stats for cheaper at first, then growth will slow later.
Do the ally bonus from allies add that much power like say you have 2mcs attack cs in allies. Does it actually give that much power?
BFA, or bonus from allies is from the allies you hired but the bonus you actually get is pretty small though. At a fixed percentage I'm not too sure about.