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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. For overall strength ranking, some one told me that around 20m cs is needed to be in top 10,000. If that is true, how are hansles going to participate?
  2. We don't. We get left out like usual
  3. No, the top 10,000 on the overall strength leaderboard takes in a number of variables. I'm not even 20m cs and I'm ranked in the 7k area.

    I know hansels around the 15m cs mark that are in the 6k area. It's just a matter f having the right combinations of stats BFA and whatever else is included on that one
  4. Anyone on PC follow me
  5. My question refers to hansles. How much cs does the average Hansel need to be in top 10k?
  6. Criss, it isn't just about cs, it is a combination of things. This includes BFA among other things (dunno how the overall is calculated)

    If you look at the KaW history timeline emeth broke KaW physics being #1 with stats of 400/200/150/150
  7. My main is locked on that device since January 2014 because I unlinked it too much. Until when he will be unlocked?
  8. When will it be unlocked*

  9. He will be locked until January '15
  10. Thats what it says on the devs thread about linking devices.
  11. What's the most efficient way to get inferno and aqua
  12. I've found the frozen city drops alot of elements
  13. I feel this question was already asked but who cares.

    Between increasing spy stats or static spy defense, What is a better way to increase one's overall rank?¿?¿?
  14. Normal spy stats as you get more of them for your bucks. But both serve different purposes...
  15. What % is refunded when u sell a building