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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. what is a bump a necro bump and firsting plz?
  2. Bump stands for bring up my post. Brings a post to active topics.

    Necro bump is bumping a completely dead thread from a long time ago that serves no purpose now.

    Firsting is posting first on a thread just to say you're the fastest to answer and serves no purpose.

    Both necrobumping and firsting are bannable offenses.
  3. Necro bumping is posting on a thread that has not had any discussion for quite some time. I'm not sure exactly how long but I would say 3 months of no discussion. The exception is if a post is stickied.

    First (ing) means when a new post is made, someone hops on and says first. This can result in a 24 hour forum ban, it is against forums roc.
  4. Do people still do wars outside of the Chaos wars?
  5. Only ones ive seen lately have been small clans trying it out to learn, or a few big ones between Apoc family clans.

    Most stick to chaos and rancor season wars if they are going to do system wars.
  6. Yeah they do but I'm not sure if they get mith if they win.
  7. So the seasonal wars are the best way to get mith then?
  8. Ee wars are the only wars that give mith, system wars (non ee). Have no reward at the end
  9. Out of the following three, which is the best way to boost my overall strength? Increasing my attk stats, my spy stats, or my Atk/Spy Def stats?
    And I am a hansel.
  10. Attack stats is the easiest way to boost overall strength.
  11. So even if I am a hansel attk stats are still the best
  12. Yes. Overall strength is done through cs and attack/def stats increase the most per bil spent out of all buildings. Balanced ones to be specific.
  13. Having said that, if you want to maintain a hansel build upgrade your spy.
  14. At this point all I care about is participating in the ASW.
    Thanks for all the info Mango :D
  15. so a balanced build is best,am i balanced,?
  16. No heat your attack heavy
  17. What's the first thing you wanna build up to get to 10k lb. like allies battle wins or just do regular stuff. Cause if there's a ASW next year I wanna do it
  18. on the ice plains (whatever the hell its called) only t5 and 6 allowed to be built or can i build t3 and 4?
  19. Only t6 can be built on hoarfrost
  20. alright, thank you for your answer