Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Check TakuniTheCat's profile.
  2. How many days does it take for a price to go dowj if they have no owner ?
  3. Phoenix it's actually 11
  4. What's bad about price dropping for the person dropped? Other than being cheaper any side effects?
  5. Never been ownerless for 3days^
  6. Nothing good or bad about your price. It doesnt affect you in any way.
  7. What price must a player be to start getting 1m per hire?
  8. Can someone please post a link to the moderator application? I want to take a look at it.
  9. Around 1.5b swod

    And if you have to ask about the moderator application form its probably not for you, but it's a stickied thread if other KaW discussion if I remember rightly
  10. Im not even old enough. I just wanted to see it... Meanie.
  11. It's actually in rules of conduct. I think it used to be in other KaW discussion, but I may be wrong
  12. Thanks AJ i have a few years. Good luck.
  13. 9 years is a good bit.
  14. I know this is a dumb question but is there any way I could get past event equipment like a fiendbow?
  15. No, it is not possible to acquire past event equipment
  16. Oh now I see what you said... But yeah^