Depends what device you are on. But it's the stats next to bonus to owner on mobile devices, on PC it's under your banner icon
@fan. It costs roughly 3.2b for the first level, second is roughly 4.75b and third is 6.3b. So in total about 14.4b. You can also check out the Buildings
Re: resetting No. You keep nobs, xstals, items from propacks, and the old reset bonus items. Not equip or mith
Re: resetting and achievements, building "unlocks"(meaning you dont need to progress through the lands to unlock different tiers), all previously unlocked land sets(not the lands themselves), quest progression, and your clan role. I can't really think of any else.
I believe since you still have the achievement, the Mage is unlocked as well? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
minimum stats what is the minimum attck stats and spy attck stats required to hit different eb's? please post reply :roll: