Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. what are the skulls from quetzal ebs for?
  2. No one really knows as far as i'm aware. The theory is its for bird eb's they haven't dropped yet. @ last question.
  3. How many forum posts do I have?
  4. How much gold do you get back for selling a l1 HF.
  5. 10b return for selling lvl 1 t6
  6. 267
  7. Can you Czech the number of forum posts I have as well?
  8. enough... plus 4063
  9. Thank you kind sir.
  10. How many days are left in the feather hunt?
  11. Currently 53 days left.
  12. How many do I have?
  13. Only you and the Devs know, unless your on the LB. You can look by going to your profile, then other items.
  14. I think he's asking about how many posts he has.
  15. Ahh ok yes, possibly he could've been more direct considering last question/answer have been about moths.
  16. How many posts do I have? 

  17. 2046 ;)
  18. Hurray 1/10th the way to Moose
  19. :lol: shadow