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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. [​IMG]

    "a heavy armored fighting vehicle carrying guns and moving on a continuous articulated metal track."
  2. A kingdom/player that can(and maybe is supposed to) take alot of hits.
    Basically towers towers and more towers
  3. Also typically has high bfa. It's also a style of warring. It's keeping your troops high and skimming people.
  4. Where did you get that definition from? :|
  5. Lmao well it's a question about kaw. Although I do believe your anwser is the best
  6. I've never heard of such a term being used around here, so I would assume he's either talking about a military tank or a storage tank. I get that your definition may somewhat fit with the one I provided, but honestly, it just hardly fits. On top of that, you're misleading him into thinking that's a real thing.
  7. Tanks are players with CS and BFA high enough to not be able to be hit by SH's
  8. @ Advenoir

    This game has a plethora of slang terms for certain builds and playstyles.

    Tank builds have been around for a bit, and as described a page back, it's a high defense, high BFE/BFA player that can still succeed in hitting you, with little success in you hitting back.
  9. 1 by 1 to lv1 increases plunder from a lv4 guild. So its not like SoS, feel free to build 1 by 1
  10. What is so special about equipping weapon and off hand only for EE wars?
  11. how do i get a dev online need account info

    New device cant remember email need to switch to ata asap heeelllppp
  12. Yoda it's to decrease the amount of Bfe a player had which typically leads to a lower match.
  13. I understand that, but why specifically "weapon" and "off hand"?
  14. Those two slots have equipment of the highest combined bfe.
  15. No. Those 2 slots are the most offensive slot. It's good to have offensive eq to help you get successes.
  16. Cool thanks, that makes sense. I thought there was something more to it, like some hidden fight mechanic. ️
  17. What is the best set of equipment you can own and how do some of the lb players gets theirs?
  18. The best set depends on what stats you want to boost the most. The ones with the highest stats though are the ones given out as a reward for the rancor war seasons depending on what rancor level you achieve or special events such as moths and feathers.