Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Thank you two nice people.
  2. What does the last quest give?
  3. As far as I'm concerned its the same as the others. I've never heard of any special last quest.
  4. The last quest gives 10 health crystals and 500m gold upon completion
  5. Course minas would show me up. 
  6. That's once you complete all quests minas, once completed all quests there's a 2% chance of nobility points, and a 0.01% chance of xtals.
  7. @Rikk, the last quest rewards you with 10 xstals and 500m immeditaly upon completion as well as the badge.
  8. I know if you read again what I said was once all are completed nobility have a drop rate of 2% and xtals 0.01%
  9. Nobility have a drop rate of less than 1%, I think the tests showed somewhere around 0.67%.
  10. So what's a "defcon level"?
  11. It's a state's war readiness status. Ranges from peace to ready-to-war.
  12. How do you earn a lot of mith during war
  13. Be active and the more you put in, the greater the return
  14. Open till dtw

    What do I pay per hit?
  15. Can Guilds be built in the Highlands?