Re: PostQuestionsHere Hm. I'd test it out yourself and believe it. I haven't tested it exactly, I've only read and asked questions about it.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Builds are more play style based then anything. As you can see I'm a attack build. I've never been a fan of the spy build. When I do something you will know who it was. Spy builds on the other hand may not want you to know they like there play style to be less visible. And may not care if you ever know they where there.
Re: PostQuestionsHere What factors are included for perminate item drops? And how much does each factor count for? I'm trying to increase my chances to have the item drop and also receive the item.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Just keep hitting each hit gives a percent and the more powerful the attack the better.
Re: PostQuestionsHere The drops are 100% random. Developers claim the more actions you do the better % chance you get to getting the drop. I've seen 3.7k actions (reckoning) nothing. When someone with 26 actions get it. Weird right?
Re: PostQuestionsHere @IRant- Well when I tested it myself, I did a single hit for the entire duration of the EB. Meaning that I waited until the end to receive the bonus. I did an assassination without pots. And ended the EB with "x" amount. (I actually have a SS of it somewhere). Then I re did the EB (The Haunting) and did an assassination using full pots. And I got the same amount. So that leads me to believe that pots didn't affect my plunder. Only the damage done.
Re: PostQuestionsHere MissMelon, so are you saying that more damage done does give you a bigger payout? More pots = more damage = more payout? Or are you saying using pots doesn't matter, but more damage does?
Re: PostQuestionsHere And also- How do you then explain my studies on The Haunting during my transition from Guild Hansel to SOS Hansel. When I was pure guilds, I was barely doing any damage to the EB. I kind of felt selfish that I wasn't contributing. Which caused me to decide to convert to SoS. I took SS of my results each time I upgraded and hit the EB. I kind of wish I had put all my research together now. But anyways, I recorded how much bonus I made throughout my entire conversion from guilds to SoS. Of course my stats ended up being 6x more than I originally was, and so the damage done was increased significantly. Yet the amount of bonus I received at the end actually declined for some time, until it eventually evened itself out again to the point that I was earning thr same as what I was earning before. So I'm earning the same while doing 5x more damage .. That's why I conclude that damage done doesn't play as big as a role that you are claiming it to.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Lemme rephrase that. More damage is what matters, not the fact that you used the potion(s).
Re: PostQuestionsHere Ah you're referring to the last sentence. What I'm saying is Pots didn't affect my plunder. Pots only affected the damage done. And the increase in damage done seemingly did not add anything to my plunder.
Re: PostQuestionsHere But research on EBs seems almost near impossible due to SO many variables. EBs are a total mystery to me. It's why I gave up on my extensive research. It was far too much work just to find out something so small. So I think we should just stop worrying and just do the things we enjoy lol.