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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. If I wanted a name in a different language, would I be able to? I know I'll have to reset just wondering if Greek is available for names.
  2. No only english
  3. For names I believe you can have whatever you like, as long as it doesn't go pass the content filter or isn't used to impersonate another player. You may not, however, use other languages in forums or wc.
    This is to my knowledge, I could be incorrect.
  4. he means like greek letters
  5. I don't think the name change interface will allow symbols, which Greek letters are classified as. I tried changing to an emoji a few weeks ago and ended up with a box. So while it would be allowed, it may not be possible.
  6. What are some tips to grow strong fast? How do I keep my allies from being take? Post on my wall
  7. 
  8. Join a clan, hit EBs, stay active. Allies will com end go
  9. Does anyone know how many towers you need for the tower build mechanic to work? They only increased the number? or did they kill it completely?
  10. Which build mechanic? If anything read (the now almost outdated) fight mechanics thread by bellemorte
  11. 75% towers, it doesn't work in ee.
  12. What are these:
    1. Blitz Wars
    2. Season Wars
    3. Tournament Wars
    4. Single Round Wars

    please explain clearly..
  13. Is it true that if you're active throughout an entire Eb you have better chances for drop?
  14. Oh really.. I was always told it was completely random.
  15. yes but more actions increases likeliness
  16. Then it's not activity it's number of hits?
  17. Mali is incorrect. There is no physical proof of how to get drops from ebs, however it's best assumed that (depending on the eb) atleast one unload puts you in the "selectable range" for equipment drops. As for Aqua/Inferno on HTE, it seems when the seal user hits both or one phase, they tend to get either/both aqua and inferno. But as of equipment, that is a secret kept by the devs.
  18. Because they have more actions