Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Level 1 is the best right now, but you will get more for lvl 3 than 2 yes.
  2. Can you only post on dev threads from a PC?
  3. No, go to a forum section, example, off topic and click on the dev thread from there to reply
  4. How much is 333 bronze bars?
  5. 9,990,000,000
  6. 333 BB costs 9.99B and sells for 7.4925B
  7. I know this has been asked a lot of times but what's ATA's email
  8. What's rancor?
  9. A spell reward given through out the war seasons, collect level 50 rancor to get maximum rewards.
  10. Maximum rewards :O

    I thought that's what estoc's edge was
  11. EE is just the plunder and drop booster. Rancor can be obtained only during seasons, while EE can be obtained at any time there are wars.
  12. They give better than purchasable war equip
  13. Why can't I post a forum.. "Unknown Result"
  14. Youre using emoji the forum doesnt support
  15. Just keep trying. Eventually it'll let you post
  16. Don't take Jon's advice. He told me how to get unlimited nobs and now I'm broke.
  17. Idk. Whatever. Don't feed the trolls