Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I cast for war but we got no match however I didn't get spells for tvp so can't hit it and get mith. What should I do?
  2. Anyone else getting lag this war?
  3. Andy, you need at least 15 lands in HL to unlock HF.
  4. what is the farm festival?
  5. I'll bump for you now
  6. does your clan need to be matched to reset rancor/edge timers or just sign up?
  7. How many old players are still active?
  8. Lb n op of this thread
  9. @not you.

    Your clan has to sing up and get a no match or lose and accourse if you win In other for your rancor to reset the time.
  10. I've been hearing some pop say thatlvl 2 CoE gives 27 hits off in an unload instead of the usual 26. Is this true?
  11. No.

  12. I used to be CoE build, no it does not give 27 I was bored and counted them one day.
  13. Elven Temples (T6) and Colonies (T5) will allow you 27 attacks per full unload, while CoEs (T4) give you 26 attacks.


    Let's have a look at the troop numbers those buildings have (at lvl3) and their respective regeneration rates.

    A CoE has 1.300 troops and regenerates at 100 troops per regen (5 minutes), thus takes 65 minutes or 13 regens to fully regenerate. As you lose half of a regen worth of troops (50), you'll have 26 attacks per full unload.

    T5 and T6 balanced have 1.100 troops and regenerate at 83 troops per minute. Well, if you multiply 83 by 13, you'll get 1.079 and oops... you're still 21 troops short of a full regen. This means that a full regen will take 70 minutes and the unload will allow you 27 attacks (the last one will however be with much less troops ~8 troops instead of 42).
  14. What are the chances of getting nobilities or crystals from quests? Aside from the usual 2 crystals after finishing 10 quests Is there a certain amounf you have to have dine before you can get nobs/crystals from any quest you have already done?
  15. 1% for nobs .01% for xtals
  16. Re:  Bronze bar

    Where u gonna use bronze bars
    I been saving them
    There was a speculation they might use for enchanting
  17. They are going to be used with the banner materials for upgrading them as well ask the equipment from smoke signals