Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I thought they took away tower mechanic️
  2. Well u dont have to pay real money lol. Find then no ally fire
  3. Is photobucket still the app of choice to post picture on forums, or is there a friendlier app to use?
  4. You have to use simpleResize tgen photobucket, but yes,
  5. They took it away from ee, not the gam
  6. Plzz wall me what quest has the biggest % in getting nobs and also why do i get 5 speakers every 24hours and my alts or my small friends dont?
  7. All quests have the same percentage. Only accounts that are logged in from mobile devices get free speakers.
  8. Just saying: you will need to succeed the quest to get a nobility. Technically this makes the first quest giving you the best drop % for nobilities 
  9. Re: clan name change

    Is it possible to change the name of a clan ? If so how?
  10. Why do I have 192 aqua and 0 inferno?
  11. Because ebs hate you, I have 65 aqua and 7 inferno.
  12. How do i get off my perminat silence after it ends
  13. Turn your spell check on and that should do it
  14. A permanent silence is just that, permanent. You have to email the developers at support@athinkingape.com and ask for them to uplift your silence.
  15. BBQ, nice to see you didn't leave
  16. Not left yet bro, starts next week ;)
  17. Good luck Keith
  18. How large is the plunder drop from max level guild to max SOS?