Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Question: I am on a samsung galaxy s2 (android OS) and for some reason can never post onto a thread that either kaw_community or kaw_admin has created.. does anyone else have this same issue? Would like to know if its an android issue or a phone issue, i am being starved of voicing my butthurt on their threads haha :D
  2. Not a phone issue. You need to go to the thread through another section like strategy and find the thread at the top of the section. That should allow you to post.
  3. Specifically, some threads require you use the questions/feedback section only.
  4. Who are the GH clans? What's there clan name?
  5. Question: how do log onto forums on pc? I have tried using my ingame username and my account password, but to no avail. Tried creating a new account on forums, but that feature has been disabled.. would like to use this account to post on forums but by using pc (this is an android account btw)
  6. Link your phone account to a PC account and voila...
  7. Log into your account on the PC version of the game. Clicks forums, you're now logged in and browsing forums as you
  8. I can't seem to reply on threads that the Devs make, there is no option for me to do so. Is there a reason for this?
    I'm on iOS if this matters.
  9. When on devices you cannot post on dev created thread from active topics. You must go into an unlocked forum for instance strategy find the dev posted thread and post from there
  10. Chuck - you must access your account via Facebook or mochi games. Then click on the forums button.
  11. Or ata account cheese.
  12. Thanks rikki 
  13. Is there any way to stop the endless suggestions in forums?
    Obviously evolution is dictated by devs profits first, and the constant pandering of ideas is sickening. Agreeing with ideas that make sense from a War Game aspect is a complete waste of time and the majority ( upgrades with xtal money to spend) are the loudest in the community.
    I'm all for free speech but maybe a slight toll is needed.
  14. Complaint or question?
    Hit the op I guess.
    Otherwise, no.
  15. As long as people have voice and a forum to announce it on they're always going to have ideas/suggestions/complaints.

    Next actual question?
  16. Does my plunder increase or decrease if i upgrade my rime temple from lvl 1to lvl2? I heard plunder drops on hoarforst.
  17. It should increase.
  18. Upgrading attack or spy buildings increase, towers decrease plunder.
    I think, I'll never be near HF thgh so I dunno 