Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. My friend has 22t and is only 202 on ally lb
  2. Will never pass redstar no matter how much you spend.
  3. It's actually a matter of how long redstar plays the game.
  4. Red could sell his account for so much
  5. I'm taking this as a challenge
    I just got a item for my Monarch banner but it had instructed me 2 go to the Mage but idk what or where that is @. Were is it
  7. You need a level 3 castle to access the Mage.
  8. Question

    Is there a percent or something to work out how much plunder you take from an enemy
  9. if I hire a 5m art stat ally is the 5m "added" as a raw stat like equipment?
  10. No one knows the formula for how much plunder you will make by hitting someone. It's a devs secret algorithim.
  11. As for taking gold from someone, I dont't believe anyone knows that either.
  12. does the stats of abyssal sword go down when troop bars aren't full?
  13. it's a percent of whatever you have, so yes. As your troops are used, the sword becomes weaker. Trade it out for different sword when you hit a certain level of troops.
  14. Yes. The blade gets weaker as troops/spies go down. After arguing against it, I have actualy tested it and (sad to say) I was wrong.
  15. is pinioned boots like that too?